Not everything that we sell is listed on-line. Please download our current price list for our full range and if you can’t find what you are after then please call or contact us by email.
We do not mark up our delivery costs but the pandemic has caused all courier companies to significantly increase their prices and so we do need to have these costs confirmed on an order by order basis. We would love to be able to offer free delivery on all orders but, unfortunately, many of the products that we sell, especially materials, are comparatively low value but physically large in size. In addition, we usually take out insurance on the goods being shipped to cover accidental damage by the courier.
This means that the delivery costs are just too high to be absorbed by the margin we make on the products. If you are able to come and collect from our Letchworth factory or if we can drop off to you on our way to another delivery then you certainly will save on delivery charges.
Please Click the link below to view out full price list